We ensure your Live Chat peace!

Hi and nice to meet you! This is our brave team. We work very hard to provide an awesome experience for you.
  • Img 5403 square
    Kristijonas Urbaitis

    Kristijonas is passionate about the web, tech, and peace of mind!

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    Ilma Singh
    Marketing and Business

    Ilma is excited to have biz dev experience with both the Big Corporate and Startup worlds to encounter unique perspective.

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Who is behind SignalZen, our history and how we work

We started SignalZen in 2017 as a general-purpose Live Chat provider but a couple of years after, we found out that our clients 😍 the Slack integration that we introduced.

From that point, we started to focus only on Slack integration for Live Chat. Since then, we've been going step by step with the Slack team in terms of all technical opportunities that are possible to use in order to provide the best possible Live Chat integration for Slack.

In 2022 we added Microsoft Teams support as an alternative for the Slack integration. The same powerful engine has been used to introduce this integration which should help to increase our product reach.

All SignalZen is developed mostly just from the feedback of the clients and we are excited to offer our product for many use cases that are in demand in this niche market.

Our HQ is in Lithuania (EU) and, as you can see, we are a small team of Live Chat enthusiasts that has a record of proof in providing a perfect Live Chat experience for clients worldwide.

Start your Customer Support from Slack or MS Teams journey

No commitments to start and a trial period of 30 days!