Slack Live Chat

With our created Slack Live Chat widget, you can chat with visitors on your website through Slack.

We offer 2 types of Slack Live Chat integrations: talking by using threads or dedicated channels per chat session.

Slack Live chat integration

Slack Email integration

We provide you with the essential Slack Email integration for Customer Support.

This feature enables you to receive emails from your Customer Support mailbox and answer those directly from Slack. 

Slack email integration

Slack ChatGPT integration

Use Copilot (ChatGPT) in Slack Live Chat to communicate with website visitors when your team is offline, always, or as needed.

The Chatbot that we will create for you, will be able to answer even hard questions given by your website visitors. 

Chatbot integration
A group of positive emoji

Slack Live Chat and email integrations enable our clients to reach higher productivity in providing Customer Support. A single platform for internal and external communication is what we offer.

Img 5403 square

Kristijonas Urbaitis

CEO @ SignalZen

Strong features for your daily Customer Support work

Perform all Customer Support activities by usign Slack

  • Emoji icon 1f4e3.svg
    New chat session notification

    Get a loud notification in your chosen channel once someone tries to reach you for help.

  • Threads or dedicated channels
    Chatting via threads or dedicated channels

    Choose the most suited for you Slack integration type to reply to visitors on your website straight from Slack.

  • Auto operators create
    Your teammates can join automatically

    When a teammate sends a message to your website visitor on Slack, SignalZen adds him as an operator. We also fetch and add the Slack profile pictures for operators that the live chat widget will display.

  • Interactive
    Use Slack for fast interactive communication.

    Enjoy all capabilities that Slack can offer - interactive buttons and modals for more effective and prompt work with your website visitors.

  • Status
    Manually change widget visibility and online status

    Enable your team to control your live chat widget status when you take a break. Switching between statuses is available directly from Slack or Console.

  • Clipboard
    Audit chats by closing or opening them

    Keep discipline in closing your chats and you will be able to audit your Live Chat data directly from Slack. The closing chats feature is also great for requesting a rating review from your website visitor

  • Reminder
    Auto Reminders

    Get reminders to participate in a chat that is awaiting your reply via Slack. Also, you can enable or disable notifications about your existing chat visitors' online/offline status.

  • Privacy
    Choose to hide Customer Support work in private channels

    Keep your chats and notifications channel isolated from the rest of the team. Use private Noisy integration channels for chat sessions and assign colleagues by using the interactive Assign button.

  • Search
    Search for chats

    Use the search feature directly from Slack to find threads or channel links that match your query criteria.

  • Personal information
    See all information about your website visitor

    When visitors chat with you on your website, Slack will show certain information like their location, timezone, and ID. You can also add more information using the Prerequisites Form Builder or Metadata from your website.

  • Saved reply
    Use Saved Replies

    Tired of using the same responses in different chats? You can configure Saved Replies in Console and dispatch them to your Slack conversation utilizing a Slack command.

  • Command
    Slack Commands

    By leveraging SignalZen Slack command line interface from Slack, you can omit the UI for working with your website visitors.

  • Smart routing
    Route your chats across different Slack Channels

    Do you have departments in your business and want to target your chat sessions across multiple Slack Channels? We have configuration options that allows for you to do that.

  • Redirect ad-hoc
    Ad-hoc chat sessions redirecting and copying

    Route your chats flexibly on ad-hoc basis into different Slack Channels. Using copy (duplicate) or redirect (copy with delete) buttons, you can ask your colleagues help in different channels.

Have a look

These screenshots illustrate some of the capabilities that Slack live chat and email integrations have

  • Info
  • Initialize chat
  • Assign
  • Chat via channels
  • Closing
  • Reminder
  • Search
  • Help
  • Screenshot 2022 05 21 at 12.44.05
  • Redirect

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